Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Morsels: Halloween Surprise

It got a little cold here this week.  With flurries predicted earlier Thursday evening Juniper and I headed to the garden for a last minute harvest and tuck in.  Of course we didn't have official supplies on hand, so we used what we had and made do--a reoccurring theme around here.  

Here's what we came up with:

 Rocks and broken-handled pitchfork (it still works) as garden stakes

    Bed sheets over the chard, and bucket over the parsley.

 Tent city over the puny fall spinach

    Tomato cages and sunflower stalks as a chicken barrier.  

The snow didn't come as early as predicted--but the covers worked nicely as chicken guards since the ladies have moved into the garden.  That's Lady Hawk and Roxy in the soon to be garlic bed.  Show girl #2 in white (there are 4 show girls, we can't tell them apart).  


     Brussels Sprout harvest--can't wait to have these roasted with balsamic vinegar.  Yum!

* The ladies got their sun room for the winter.  Rob and I put this up each fall, to provide a warmer outdoor space for the ladies come winter.  Its always been cheap plastic (re-purposed in the garden above) but this year we got fancy (and smart) and did it out of something that will hold up a little better year after year.  This stuff we actually purchased for the project.  

* I realized after the fact, that Wylie did his entire Jack O'lantern by himself this year.  Every night since he has asked me to light Jack in his room as a night light--and then called me up ten minutes later to take him out because he's too scary.

* Kale's "Rarr" (lion) going to "num up" (eat up) Juju's pumpkin.  He's all about scary monsters and lions numming people up these days.  Hmmn, definitely a third child.

 * Not bad for a nearly November bouquet.

* We attempted these witches fingers cookies--modified to be gluten free.  They looked great until we cooked them.  Afterwards they looked like puddles with almonds in the middle, but they still tasted good.

* On Sunday we (and most of the East Coast) awoke to a different kind of scary.  Green leaves and snow.  

picture by our friend Dorn

While we didn't get the dumping they did further south (is South the new North?) we have been enjoying this surprising Halloween fun.  And, taking comfort in the fact that it most likely won't last the week.

 *  And finally tonight we head out for fun and candy with Luke Skywalker, a lady spider, a "train guy",
a cow girl, and uncle Albert.  Sure to be a good time.

Happy Halloween!

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  1. Snow! We aren't there quite yet here. I can't wait to see the costume pics, Audrey will be a butterfly this year.

  2. oh my gosh, I never have seen those witch fingers before. Those are awesome. I never find these things before the actual holiday. Doh, next year!


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