Thursday, October 13, 2011

Homeschool Thursday: Bike Rides

Last year we were in the habit of riding up the road before starting on any of our work or projects for the day.  It was these rides that began our adventure with Wylie's News last year, and then it was Wylie's News that kept the habit going strong as we had to deliver the paper each week.

I was recently inspired by a friend to reinstate our morning bike rides.  It's such a good way to get out a little energy before we try to focus on some kind of sit down work--mostly it's just fun.

It may have been a little too cold on this particular morning.  Kale insisted that he wanted to go on Mama's bike, but the whole ride home he chanted, "home, cold, home, cold".

 If we get out early enough we get to wave to the school bus as it passes, a favorite for all of us--though for different reasons I suspect.  Wylie:  "The kids on the bus always wave, but they look sad.  That's 'cause I'm riding a bike, and they're riding to school!"   

You said it kid.  We do enjoy our freedom.    

1 comment:

  1. Ha, Wylie's quote is hysterical! We have been starting our mornings with a bike ride recently too. Audrey is getting quite fast on the balance bike, so I have started riding my bike very slowly along side her.


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