So, the truth is (for those of you who have never been here) we don't actually live on a farm.
As Wylie often reminds us, "
Real farms have fields of vegetables, and cows and pigs and hay fields. This is
not a real farm." He says this with conviction, and some disappointment.
I get it.
We know a lot of true, honest to goodness farmers. We are literally surrounded by
CSA's here in Waldo County. Check out the beautiful words and pictures from our friends over at
Village Farm.
Now that is a
real farm.
My sister and her family have suddenly, excitedly found themselves as caretakers of an amazingly beautiful farm and have launched right into it with sheep, goats, pigs, and chickens, not to mention plenty of gumption. There's is a farm.
In that sense Frogwater farm is not a
real farm. We have a handful of acres, mostly wooded, and half of them in a marsh. The Frogwater part is legit. We call it a farm because frankly, Frogwater homestead doesn't sound nearly as nice. We like the alliteration. It has never been our goal/dream to support ourselves off our land. We do however hope to sustain ourselves--food wise and soul wise. In that regard we are a farm--though a tiny one to be sure.
And even though there aren't any milking goats yet (
or ever depending on who you ask) we do have a few animals:
Eleven ladies--laying hens of various ages, breeds and personalities.
More on the ladies in another post. Also Ollie, the cat we share with our tenant.
New this year are between 30 and 60 thousand (in one hive) Carniolan honey bees. The bees officially live down the road a bit, but will hopefully make their way to Frogwater next spring.
In the past we loved having runner ducks, but they have gone to a better place...
across town to a farm where the dog won't try to eat them.
And Marley.
(Does this look like the face of a duck killer?) |
We do aspire to grow most of our own food someday, and perhaps some pigs in the near future...
For now though, when people ask about our farm, I tell them
, these days we're mostly growing children.
Most days that feels like plenty to sustain us.