Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Signs of the Season: Happy Holidays

      White Christmas
                         T'was the night before Christmas

      Happy Happy

And, the pictures I never took:

On the first day of Christmas Santa gave to me:
1 feverish daughter
2 puking boys
and a few days recovery...

Thank goodness they were able to rally for a few hours of fun on Christmas morning.  Otherwise it was a low key weekend of napping, movies, and thankfully much less sugar consumption (there is something to be said for the stomach flu.)  It is continuing to wind its way through the household--so far I'm the last (wo)man standing.  I'm crediting my health to the warming properties of cardamom bark and the vitamin C in countless gummy citrus slices.

Hope yours was a happy, healthy one.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you guys got the bug, we have remained healthy so far this year, but I'm sure that will change. Those fruity citrus slices are so yummy!


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