Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Tiny bites of goodness from the past week...

Its been a while since a proper morsels post, here goes:

A weekend at the lake...

*  We spent the weekend with friends at their family camp in NH.   It was just the sort of low key, float about on the water, read a book in a day or two, ice cream, wine, good friends, good chocolate, and happy children (most of the time) sort of weekend we've all been needing.  The evenings had an August crispness to them, but the day times were just right for jumping in the lake.

* Wylie asked for only money for his birthday this year and saved up enough to buy half an iPod.  In exchange for storing any music and podcasts I want, plus an extra chore a day for several weeks, we bought him the other half.  Our days are now filled with music, texting,  hearing about the latest apps, and negotiating screen time.  But, we've also gained an organized dresser, a clean art shelf, and sparkling bathrooms.  Plus, one very happy boy.

Sibling haircuts
*  Kale got himself a new doo courtesy of Wylie's barber shop (which has since been closed for business).  This picture is after I've shortened the rest to "match" the sides.  Our friends say he's just missing his team number shaved into the side, 1985 style.  I say he's lucky his hair is the same color as his scalp.  Either way its a good thing he's cute.  Its a good thing his brother's cute too...

Thister Thuzy thitting on a thistle

* Juniper's been losing teeth left and right.  As of yesterday afternoon that space is twice as wide.  

screen porch

* The screen porch is completely finished and is functioning as our new living room.  Its funny how much our living pattern has changed since its been built.  We sit out there much of the day (when there's time for sitting), have coffee in the morning and candlelight drinks after the kids are in bed.  The "ice cream window" was put in last week, and makes for easy serving/clean up when we eat out there.  Rob fixed up a drying rack for our garlic out there as well.  Between the cedar and the garlic, it smells amazing--and there are no bugs!

In the garden

* In the garden:  green beans slowing to a crawl, tomatoes taller than me, a handful of carrots, beets and beet greens, way too many cabbage worms and tiny garden snails, frogs in the frog pond, a cucumber a day, kale seedlings coming up fast, spinach going in, onions getting bigger by the hour, plenty of weeds, and one gigantic squash.

this neck gets me every time

Happy Summer (its not over yet!)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys and busy and having a fun summer. I love the new ice-cream window, and your garden looks amazing. I'm sure Kale's hair will grow back soon.


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