Man its cold out there. Today saw a high of about 10F with wind-chill, and and an overnight low of -10F predicted. Its supposed to be even colder tomorrow. I've been thinking about the trailers we pass on our way into town, and the old Maine farmhouses out in the open fields. I hope this cold snap finds everyone safe on the other side.
These cold days are crisp and clear with a pale sky that looks higher and thinner than I've ever noticed. But, while outside it is biting cold, inside our house the sun slices through the windows at a slighter higher angle each day and even the kitten knows to follow its slanting warmth. Between hauling wood and feeding the fire we pretty much kept inside today. Just after noon we all busted out for about 15 frigid minutes when the sun was the highest, then hurried back inside for brownies, naturally. When its this cold we bake. Brownies, bread, granola (both gluten free and glutinous).
Also plenty of impromptu art projects. Kale has been cutting up any paper he can get his hands on, and leaving a trail of paper scattered across most of the surfaces in the house and much of the floor. If you come to our house you're likely to receive a small pile of paper "cards" from him to take home with you. Be sure to ask how old he is, its important these days. "I'm three, but I'm nearly ten".
Wylie decided to make a few counting cards for Kale (to my dismay he stopped hand-crafting after 1 and switched to computer graphics).
(stop it mom)
We rounded out the day with a viewing of "The Princess Bride" which was meant as a distraction while I prepared dinner, but ended up with me watching the whole thing--and dinner an hour later than planned.
I'd forgotten how funny it is! but also how violent (oops). But all in the name of true love!
So, for now we're good with frigid. Check back in a few days and I'll let you know if we're climbing the walls.
I checked that book out of the library too, and while I liked it, I felt it better served as a source of ideas than an actual curriculum. Love the little pictures it inspired, so sweet!
ReplyDeleteI love seeing what you all do. It's like a peek into my future. Right now, scissor work is tricky as we have to keep them well away from the mini-monster (aka 14-month-old). But I had to laugh at Kale because just tonight Juniper (mine, obviously) did the *exact* same thing, scattering paper all over the place.
ReplyDeleteLOVE your nature journal.
In our country, 10 degrees isn't frigid, but it isn't warm either. The incredible, amazing difference is: we have virtually no humidity. You wouldn't believe how much cold you can handle when there's no humidity. Anyway, we're warming up over here...highs are supposed to be in the 20's...yipee! Inside days are a fun challenge when there aren't too many of them in a row : )