Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Juni's Room

Last December, the day after Christmas, Juniper moved out of the room she'd been sharing with Kale and Wylie and took over the guest room/Wylie's room  (Wy had some of his stuff in the other bedroom, but never slept there).  I was sure I had blogged about the switch and taken pictures, but I can't seem to locate it so no before pics for you.  Either way, while it was quite sweet with her doll furniture all set up, and bed made tidy, it wasn't really her room.  It had been hastily painted with leftover paint from the mudroom.  The curtain was an old stained one from Rob's bedroom in high school.  So, when she mentioned she'd like to paint her room, I was all for it.  

Juni and Kale primed with rollers, I cut in, and then the following morning we added color.  A week later I got around to the curtain, and well, the closet doors are still waiting to be hung, but you know how it goes. 

I debated for a while about letting her choose the color all on her own, or weighing in with my opinion, or choosing a tamer hue once I got there (and playing dumb if she recognized it wasn't quite what she'd picked).  But, in the end we both fell in love with this color, "Cloudless" by Sherwin Williams.  After painting two walls I had a hunch that her room would feel like an empty swimming pool if we did the entire room chlorine blue.  So, we picked a pale, gray color, "Evening Shadow" to off set the blue a bit.  

Then we primed a set of three old canvases we had, painted them in the gray, and Juni and I added a flower garden (of her design).  Its pretty sweet.  

At the fabric store she chose the second pattern she looked at.  It was a surprising choice for her--but one I love.  I'm thinking of doing a matching one for the boys (who still have an old blanket hung over a rod to block out the morning sun.)  

We never did get around to patching the two holes in the drywall, but a couple strategically placed pictures did the trick, and when I mentioned I'd have to get a hammer to remove the nail in the wall above her bed, she chose another solution, with a sweet little self made sign.  

Welcome to Juni's new blue room. 


                      closet doors waiting to be hung...


 We love it.   


  1. It turned out really cute. I love the canvas flower pictures, and the curtains add some great personality to the room (very 70's).

  2. Looks really nice, quite the family project. Juni must be so pleased, esp since she got to pick the colors and fabric. You do good work Jas!


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