We spent Father's Day weekend camping with my Gramps, my dad, while Rob enjoyed a "quiet" father's day weekend here (helping some friends build a deck, mowing the lawn, fixing the wood-splitter, re-hanging the clothesline, and cleaning house). How's that for a nice Father's Day? We did take him to his favorite restaurant/bar for dinner, and will follow up with his favorite ice-cream shop tonight. And, if he's still feeling slighted we can make up for it at his birthday next week.
Our camping weekend included a long day at Popham Beach. Maine has only a handful of sandy beaches, and Popham is one of the best if you get there on a day like we did. It was seriously foggy but not too chilly in the morning so the beach was almost empty. Perfect weather for kite flying, seagull chasing, and getting lost in the fog. By noon it had burned off and we enjoyed the water, lazed around in the hot sand, and did a little more seagull chasing.
* Gramps got the big kids kites and taught them how to fly them. Wylie had a great time with his all weekend. Juniper got her's to fly on the first try, and was thrilled that it was a mermaid kite.
* Juniper and Kale spent most of the afternoon lying in the hot sand--trying to warm up after their swim.
* This is a picture of Kale licking the sand! He did it about 5 times throughout the day. I guess he likes it. Funny thing is he wouldn't touch his peach that got just a little bit of sand on it. I guess he likes his sand straight up. Last summer my nephew was doing the same thing so often my sister in law thought he had PICA. I guess it runs in the family.
Don't worry, that baby bum did not get burned!
* Here's me catching a few waves.
This picture is for Sadie--we've got cold water here too!
* Juniper was having her sandwich when a huge seagull swooped down and snatched it right out of her hand. It bit her thumb in the process and left her bleeding and scared on the sand. She ate the rest of her sandwich under her towel with us standing guard. Wylie said, "Its too bad I don't have my bow and arrow."
Um yeah, too bad.
* At home the next day she told Rob, "If I was a little braver I could have held onto my sandwich but was afraid he might bite my whole thumb off!" Poor thing.
* I actually packed and towed the camper all by myself, my first solo trip towing the camper--it went off without a hitch, HA! I am pretty proud of myself.
* Juniper just finished a Yoga for Kids class at the Belfast Dance Studio with our good friend April Dove (April will have more Yoga for Kids in the fall, and classes for adults too--check her out on Facebook).
One of Juni's new favorite games with Kale is yoga class. He's getting pretty good at a few poses. Here's the Tree Pose.
* Throughout this game and most of the pretend games she plays with Kale, Juniper calls him "Sue Ellen" in a very formal, bossy voice. As in, "Sue Ellen, Sue Ellen, No Sue Ellen do it this way. There you go Sue Ellen, that's right, Good Sue Ellen, Good. Sue Ellen, You got it!" Very Funny. Kale is a really good sport about all of this.
* All weekend Wylie talked my ear off about an invention he'll make when he's older called the "Hacker Chip" that you can put in your computer of ipod and use to hack into people's files. I mentioned how this may be illegal but he said don't worry you'll need a secret code to do it. Hmmn. "Why would you want to do that?" I asked curiously. "So I could destroy people's computers and things." Oh.
When he was four his plan was to travel the world with his guitar and a backpack full of chocolate to stop war. Seven and half is really a different beast. I hope 8 is a little more peaceful.
No cats were harmed in the making of this picture.
* Last week Kale said Juni's name for the first time, "Juju". We love it. She's always been Junebug to us, but Jujubee is a definite keeper for her. He loves his Juju.
* We always love muffins in the morning. These are gluten-free carrot spice. I'll try to put together a recipe soon as they turned out really yummy.
Have a great Monday!