Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Its been way too nice around here to sit down and do anything inside, never mind in front of a screen.  I love this time of year (though usually its much later than March) when the temperatures climb from 30's in the morning into the 70's before noon causing the shed layers to pile up on the deck; rakes and garden tools are hauled out, toys make their way outside, and suddenly all inside work  just stops:  The dishes pile up, the laundry hangs on the line for days at a time, and grilling seems like a perfectly acceptable way to cook all meals.  I finally broke down this afternoon and vacuumed when I realized the floor was so gritty that I was putting shoes on to go into the house.  Then, with a sudden burst of spring cleaning energy hauled the "soak up the snow and slush" rug from our mud room onto the back deck, and packed up all of the snow boots and ice skates.  Yup, I guess Spring is really here--and right on time for a change.  (Scary as hell but we'll take it anyway we can get it).    

Just a few Morsels from these sun filled days:  

* Oliver is our co-housing kitty.  We share him with our neighbors who live in our cabin up the drive way.  He's an outdoor cat for us (indoor for them) and is thrilled with the piles of clothing being strewn about the deck these days.  His favorite is the laundry basket--best when filled with clean, folded laundry of course.  

*During the winter I do a fair amount of complaining about laundry (and all kinds of scheming about how to make it less of a chore--no luck yet except to have the children do it).  But, in the summer I actually like doing laundry.  We planned our deck to have a line right from the house, so we can load and un-load the line from one spot outside.  I love to fold the laundry when its all stiff and crisp from hanging and separate it right into piles there on the deck.  I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but if I could only rig up an outdoor sink then maybe dishes would be fun too.   

* The kids have been asking to tap a few trees, so even though we're pretty late to get in on the action we thought we'd give it a try.  We put in just two taps, but only got sap from one--not sure why.  We only have red maples here, so if we ever want to get some real syrup we'll have to tap quite a few and boil it down a little longer than sugar maple sap.  Maybe next year.  Its funny, even though we've seen maple sugaring dozens of times, walked the sugar bush at local farms and tasted local syrup on Maple Syrup Sunday, when we put in our own taps and then actually got sap!  it was like magic.  What a crazy thing that all that potential sugar is literally growing on trees!  

 * Sometime Monday afternoon Wylie declared it warm enough for outdoor tubbing.  We haven't hooked up the warm water for the outdoor shower yet this year, so they filled it with the ice cold hose water and "swam" anyway.  

* We put a few seeds in the cold frame.  Spinach, lettuce, and chard to start.  Peas will go into the ground when the seeds arrive.  And even though every year we think it will be a good idea to start seeds in March and then realize that it wasn't--we may do it anyway.  This year it really does seem like a good idea.  

* We have a tradition each spring equinox that our little birds  lay chocolate eggs for the kids to find. Its just a tiny treat, but they talk about it all year.  Somehow our birds didn't notice that the equinox was on the 20th this year--not the 21st.  Oops.  Fortunately the children aren't in the habit yet of checking the calendar for that sort of thing.  But, you can be sure they'll be checking the next first thing tomorrow morning.
Another spring treat that I'm embarrassed to mention are the beans.  Despite all my organic cooking, home grown veggies, and wheat free/dairy free living, I'm a sucker for "traditional jelly bird eggs".  Gross I know, but I just can't help myself.  I can resist them at the grocery store--but if someone brings them into the house I"m a goner.  Best to eat them all before the kids get into them.  

Now here's a kid who knows good eating.  "My fill my body with those grapes."

Happy Spring to you!   

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sure does sound like spring has hit New England. Over here we are still getting snow in the evenings, and only 40-50 degree weather in the afternoons. Certainly not warm enough for a swim in the outdoor tub!


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