We haven't been very organized in our learning this season, and I generally feel OK with that--but last week was kind of stressing out about the lack of "school" work being done. As I was headed to the shelf for some of our lesson books I stopped to realize what I might be interrupting if I brought out the math. I went for the camera instead. Here's a peak at one morning last week, 8:20 am:
Wylie had disassembled his robotic arm (thanks Mimi!) and was putting it together on his own;
Juniper was counting her piggy bank money;
Kale was making me some tea. Perhaps the math book could wait.
Later in the day: dramatic play outside in the "rocket ship", inspired by "George's Secret Key to the Universe" by Lucy and Stephen Hawking;
Kale reading about rocks and minerals;
The following day: creating a Viking boat. This was part of our "formal" history study, in a unit on the Middle Ages that we're suddenly embracing,
And the beginning of a set of alphabet books of the Middle Ages.
This is why I find blogging and journaling so helpful. Sometimes this quiet work we in our own homes is hard to recognize until we step back from it.
Yay! Lot's of learning happening there!