Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homeschool Thursday: A "Quiet" Day

With worker guys upstairs in the bedroom (more on that soon!) we had planned to be out of the house for the day.  But, a nasty cold has us tired and sniffling and we opted to stay home for a "quiet" day.  To the tune of air compressors, staple guns, shop vacs and pounding above we stoked the fire and settled into our work:  Several chapters of our second round of "Swallows and Amazons" (I love this book!), painting, harvesting greens (and pureeing them to freeze for smoothies), building, art work, a game of store, construction site, a bit of math*, potato kale soup with sausage, very little cleaning, and plenty of tea, coffee and throughout.  Despite the noise and activity above it felt like a quiet day, which was just what we needed.   


And today snow! I was hoping for another day like yesterday, but the excitement about the weather, my own procrastination, and the growth rate of my children requires a last minute trip to Goodwill and Reny's for snow boots and snow pants.  Then perhaps I'll have some true quiet, watching their work from the window--with plenty of tea, coffee, and knitting, and unfortunately nose blowing throughout.  Hope you're enjoying it.  

*This year we're using Khan Academy, some RightStart , and enjoying the convenience of Kumon workbooks)

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